However, RF synthases from archaea are homopentamers, with unrelated amino acid sequences 121, 362. Whereas R programming task RF synthases of R programming project archaea M. jannaschii and Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum share no similarity with those of eubacteria and eukaryotes, they have got colossal sequence similarity with 6,7 dimethyl 8 ribityllumazine synthases 121, thus suggesting that RF synthases of archaea are paralogs of lumazine synthase. The reaction catalyzed by RF synthase can be formally defined as a dismutation concerning R programming assignment transfer of a 4 carbon moiety among 2 identical substrate molecules of 6,7 dimethyl 8 ribityllumazine. One molecule serves as R programming project donor of R programming assignment 4 carbon moiety used for conversion of R programming task pteridine ring of R programming project substrate R programming help R programming task isoalloxazine ring of RF 340, 354. The second manufactured from that dismutation, 5 amino 6 ribitylamino 2,41H,3H pyrimidinedione, serves as R programming assignment substrate for R programming project previous step of RF biosynthesis catalyzed by lumazine synthase and is recycled by this enzyme.

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